Meet our Fish

The Coppid Beech Hotel in Bracknell, UK, features an extraordinary kaleidoscope of fish tanks that run through three floors, creating a mesmerizing visual spectacle. These tanks are not just decorative elements but dynamic displays of aquatic life that captivate and soothe guests as they move through the hotel’s spaces. Stretching vertically across multiple levels, the tanks provide a continuous, enchanting view of vibrant fish and intricate underwater landscapes, enhancing the hotel’s unique ambiance and offering a serene escape for visitors.


Location: 2nd Floor

Molly fish, belonging to the genus Poecilia, are popular freshwater aquarium fish known for their hardiness and vibrant variety. Native to the warm, slow-moving waters of Central and South America, mollies come in several species and a wide range of colors, including black, silver, and dalmatian. These livebearers are appreciated for their ease of care, making them an excellent choice for beginners. They thrive in well-maintained tanks with plenty of plants and a diet consisting of both plant matter and protein. Mollies are social, active fish that do well in community tanks, exhibiting peaceful behavior and adaptability to various water conditions.

Yellow Lab Cichlid

Location: 2nd Floor

The yellow cichlid, commonly known as the electric yellow cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus), is a vibrant freshwater fish native to the rocky shores of Lake Malawi in East Africa. Its striking bright yellow coloration, coupled with its relatively peaceful demeanor compared to other cichlid species, makes it a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. These fish thrive in well-maintained tanks with ample hiding spaces and a diet consisting of both plant and animal matter. Their unique behavior and vivid appearance add a lively splash of color to any aquarium setup.


Location: 4th Floor

Renowned for their vibrant colors and distinctive personalities, Oscars can grow up to 18 inches in length, making them a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts who appreciate larger fish. They exhibit a variety of color patterns, including tiger, red, and albino, and are known for their intelligence and interactive behavior. Oscars require a spacious tank, a well-maintained environment, and a diet rich in protein to thrive. Despite their aggressive tendencies, they are cherished for their dynamic interactions with owners, often recognizing and responding to their presence.

Angel Fish

Location: 2nd Floor

Angelfish are elegant freshwater fish known for their distinctive, triangular shape and graceful swimming patterns. Originating from the Amazon Basin and other parts of South America, these fish are popular in aquariums due to their striking appearance and vibrant colors, which range from silvery hues to bold stripes and patterns. Angelfish can grow up to six inches in length and are generally peaceful, though they can become territorial during breeding. Their long, flowing fins add to their delicate beauty, making them a favorite among aquarists. In their natural habitat, angelfish thrive in slow-moving, warm waters with abundant vegetation, which they use for hiding and breeding.

Neon Tetra

Location: 2nd Floor

Neon Tetras, scientifically named Paracheirodon innesi, are small, vibrant freshwater fish native to the clearwater and blackwater streams of the Amazon Basin in South America. Known for their striking iridescent blue and red stripes, these fish are a popular choice for home aquariums due to their captivating appearance and peaceful nature. Growing up to 1.5 inches in length, Neon Tetras thrive in schools, requiring a well-planted tank with stable water conditions to mimic their natural habitat.

Zebra Danio

Location: 2nd Floor

The zebra danio (Danio rerio) is a small, hardy freshwater fish renowned for its striking horizontal stripes that run along its slender body, resembling a zebra’s pattern. Native to the streams and rivers of South Asia, these fish are highly active and social, often seen darting around in schools. Zebra danios are a popular choice for both novice and experienced aquarists due to their adaptability and ease of care.

Sailfin Pleco

Location: 3rd Floor

The sailfin pleco (Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps) is a striking freshwater fish known for its impressive dorsal fin, which resembles a sail and can span the length of its body. Native to the river basins of the Amazon and Orinoco in South America, this pleco can grow up to 18 inches in length, making it a substantial addition to large aquariums. Its dark, patterned body provides excellent camouflage among rocks and submerged wood. Sailfin plecos are primarily nocturnal and feed on algae, detritus, and plant matter, playing a vital role in maintaining tank cleanliness.

Fancy Goldfish

Location: 2nd Floor

Fancy goldfish, a beloved variety of the common goldfish (Carassius auratus), are known for their distinctive, ornamental features and graceful swimming. Originating from selective breeding in China over centuries, these elegant fish display a variety of unique characteristics, such as flowing fins, rounded bodies, and vibrant colors ranging from gold and orange to white and black. Popular breeds include the Oranda, Ryukin, and Bubble Eye, each with its own set of fascinating traits. Fancy goldfish require spacious tanks with excellent filtration to accommodate their size and high waste output. They thrive in cool water environments and benefit from a balanced diet rich in both plant-based and protein-rich foods.


Location: 3rd Floor

Piranhas are a group of freshwater fish renowned for their sharp teeth and powerful jaws, which contribute to their fearsome reputation. Native to the rivers and lakes of South America, particularly the Amazon Basin, piranhas vary in size and color, with the red-bellied piranha being one of the most well-known species. Despite their aggressive image, piranhas are primarily scavengers and opportunistic feeders, often eating plants and smaller fish. In their natural habitat, they play a crucial role in the ecosystem by helping to keep populations of other species in check and cleaning up carrion.

Blood Parrot

Location: 3rd Floor

The blood parrot fish, a hybrid cichlid, is renowned for its distinct appearance, featuring a round body, beak-like mouth, and vibrant orange-red coloration. First bred in Taiwan in the late 20th century, these fish are popular in the aquarium trade despite controversies over their man-made origins and physical deformities, such as difficulty closing their mouths. Blood parrots are known for their playful and social behavior, requiring spacious tanks with hiding spots and a diet of high-quality pellets and occasional treats. Their bright colors and engaging personalities make them a favorite among hobbyists, adding a unique charm to home aquariums.

Yoyo Loach

Location: 3rd Floor

The yoyo loach (Botia almorhae), also known as the Pakistani loach, is a lively and intriguing freshwater fish native to the slow-moving streams and rivers of northern India and Nepal. Its common name comes from the distinctive Y-shaped markings on its body, which resemble the word “yoyo.” These loaches are highly active and social, often seen darting around in groups and interacting with their environment. They thrive in well-oxygenated aquariums with plenty of hiding places and a substrate suitable for burrowing. As omnivores, yoyo loaches enjoy a varied diet, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods.

Gold Severum

Location: 3rd Floor

The gold severum (Heros efasciatus), a vibrant cichlid native to the Amazon River basin, is prized for its brilliant yellow coloration and relatively peaceful nature. Growing up to 8 inches in length, these fish exhibit a rounded body shape and subtle vertical banding that adds to their visual appeal. Gold severums are well-suited for larger community aquariums, where they can coexist with similarly sized, non-aggressive tank mates. They thrive in well-maintained environments with ample swimming space, hiding spots, and a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods.

Japanese Koi 

Location: 3rd Floor

Koi fish, renowned for their vibrant colors and graceful movements, are a type of ornamental carp that originated in Japan. These freshwater fish are highly prized in aquaculture and water gardening, often seen gracing ponds and water features around the world. Koi come in a variety of colors and patterns, including white, black, red, yellow, blue, and cream, each variation holding its own unique significance and symbolism in Japanese culture.

Bala Shark

Location: 4th Floor

The bala shark (Balantiocheilos melanopterus), also known as the silver shark, is a sleek and elegant freshwater fish native to the rivers and lakes of Southeast Asia. Known for its striking metallic silver body and contrasting black-tipped fins, the bala shark can grow up to 14 inches in length, requiring a spacious aquarium to accommodate its active swimming habits. These peaceful and social fish thrive in groups and prefer well-oxygenated tanks with ample swimming space and a balanced diet of flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods.


Location: 4th Floor

The discus fish (Symphysodon spp.) is a stunning and graceful freshwater species native to the slow-moving waters of the Amazon River basin in South America. Renowned for its vibrant colors and distinctive disc-shaped body, the discus exhibits a wide range of patterns and hues, from deep blues and greens to vivid reds and oranges. These fish are relatively large, reaching up to 8 inches in diameter, and require pristine water conditions. Discus fish thrive in well-planted tanks with stable temperatures and a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods. Their striking beauty and tranquil demeanor make them a prized centerpiece in any aquarium, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.